Thursday, August 11, 2011

2100: Climate Change and Global Warming Expectancy- August 11, 2011

2100: Climate Change and Global Warming Expectancy

by David Stephen August 11, 2011

From arguments roaring about global warming legitimacy and points highlighted for, it cannot be concluded what may come in the future in relation to climate change. Recent anomaly in weather conditions in certain places on earth can be due to changes in climate conditions fitfully occurring over the years not Global Warming according to some of the arguments.

Climate Change skeptics may be happy to hear experts give other reason for weather conditions as extreme heat, floods, erosion, wild fires, famines and rising sea level than Global Warming. According to certain reports, planet earth weather condition changes over time and this time maybe one of those.

Another phenomenon similarly aligned with over time changes is the Earth Magnetic Field (EMF), the true North Pole of the EMF is close to the South Pole of the Earth and the true South Pole of the EMF is close to the North Pole of the Earth. The EMF changes poles after hundreds of years, if it does anytime soon, it will align correctly with the North and South Poles.

For compatibility, scientists refer to the Geomagnetic North Pole close to the North Pole and the Geomagnetic South Pole close to the South Pole. So, these years maybe a period of natural weather changes usual from the origin of planet Earth in defense against Climate Change by some. There is a possibility with this, another possibility lie in the havoc continuous emissions may cause in years to come if agreements are not in place for controls.

Global warming may appear as a drama when there is a report and there are counter reports by people to discredit it; the question is what is all these for? A safe world right, then it must not come as say or tackle process. There have been claims by skeptics about the credibility of certain reports from supporters and causes of weather changes that are probably overblown.

There are possibly skeptics who want to be heard for the sake of it and others who are without facts but hammer on washy points. No matter the list of dent to either side, they are mostly lovers of the Earth making points that should be considered.

The United Nations have the power, understanding and capacity to listen to everybody and hand the world progressive steps towards climate change with a deal in place or not. Climate Change Summits and pre-summit conferences are steps to this, but much more as websites, reviews and workable procedures should go forth.

As the United Nations grow efforts towards Climate Change, people should also avoid extremism on either side; saying ‘I just don’t believe in Global Warming’ is an opinion of the present not of the unseen future if emissions are continuous. Saying ‘for global warming, life on earth will end in a matter of decades,’ is a statement that should recognize present efforts by Nations and more that may follow.

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