Tuesday, July 12, 2011

National School of Drama which is expanding its activities with five new regional centres, has been allocated Rs.26 crore funds,-said Culture Ministry

National School of Drama gets expansion fundsNew Delhi, June 14 (IANS) The National School of Drama (NSD), which is expanding its activities with five new regional centres, has been allocated Rs.26 crore funds, a statement by the ministry of culture said Tuesday.

The drama school was sanctioned Rs.26 crore in 2009-2010, a marginal increase from 2008-2009 when it was allocated Rs.23 crore.

Sources in the ministry said the sanctioning pattern for autonomous cultural organisations was amended to facilitate optimal use of the money under budget allocation.

Five new schools of drama are in the pipeline in Bangalore, Maharashtra-Goa, Kolkata, Jammu and Kashmir, and in the northeast.

The foundation for the NSD at Bangalore has been laid on three acres of land on the Bangalore University campus.

In 2010-2011, the ministry of culture was allocated Rs.735 crore under plan and non-plan heads.

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