Thursday, July 14, 2011

Terrorists (like Kasab) dont die. Only common man dies. we spend 100s of crores on them- Social Network Media Over-Shadows TV Media -July 15, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011 9:34:03 AM
Terrorists (like Kasab) dont die. Only common man dies. Why should we spend 100s of crores to keep terrorists alive & SAFE?
Mumbai Blasts : Social Network Media Over-Shadows TV Media(That's why recently people described Social media more active but dangerous than Visual/TV/Print/Radio etc....Media)..My Hearti Condolence.May god give strength to families who are effected and mumbai who are facing this tensions and fear of another attack but still believed in "spirit of life/show must go on".I am sure their won't be such incidents...if our people,our system,our Politicians...everyone concerned will act,think,and plan out properly.Can't we outgrow these terrorists...they should and must get punishments as fast as possible now.!!..VT)

Daijiworld Media Network

New Delhi, Jul 15: Twitter turned into the Good Samaritan putting aside television media as the twiterrati rushed to help Mumbai in the virtual world.

While all news channels continuously reported from the blast sites covering the attacks, the focus was more on the gory scenes showing wreckage, bloodstains and chaotic hospital scenes.

In contrast to that, social networking site Twitter turned into a calming force, as it was flooded with help offers to those affected by the blasts.

Twitter’s official Indian account @twi tweeted “Twitter users in Mumbai are using the hashtags #needhelp and #here2help to help people affected by the blasts. Search will work on mobile.”
The #here2help was the top trending topics on Twitter on Wednesday.

People were tweeting enquiring about missing people and a few were offering stranded victims food and shelter. There were tweets about hospitals requiring certain blood types too.

A Google spreadsheet was put up by a Nitin Sagar from Delhi to consolidate information like location, contact information and the kind of help they could offer. The spreadsheet is said to have as many as 250 entries.

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