Thursday, February 25, 2010

Get active in your daily life: Burn calories without going to the gym

Get active in your daily life: Burn calories without going to the gym
The importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise cannot be overstated. Along with these essentials it also helps to lead an active lifestyle that helps keep your metabolism high and calories burning. Here are some tips you can incorporate in your daily life:

Take the stairs

Avoid the temptation to always take the lift. Taking the stairs instead will help keep you active and feeling energetic all day.

Walk to your colleague

Most communication in offices nowdays is done over some type of Messenger service. Instead of always "pinging" your co-worker, why not walk over and talk to him in person? Your legs will thank you for the break.

Don't lust after the closest parking spot

Parking is usually a major source of stress in modern cities. Avoid the heartache that comes with trying to find the closest parking spot to your destination. Park where you get a spot easily and walk those extra few steps. It's good for your body and your mind.

Walk to the kirana store

Most big cities come equipped with neighbourhood grocery stores that are happy to send their boy for everything - from your monthly groceries to one urgent loaf of bread. How about actually walkingh down to the store yourself for a change?

Get a dog

A dog at home will keep you active, even if you don't want it! Dogs need to be walked twice a day and they can really make you run around. It's a big commitment but the love, joy and exercise you get in return is a worthwhile pay off.

Give your domestic help a day off

Experience the joy of cleaning your own dishes and sweeping and swabbing the floor! Well, at least for one day every week! Swabbing is a particularly good exercise for your buns and thighs and you can finally clean those hard-to-reach spots you've been nagging your maid about.

Walk while you talk

Like a recent mobile phone company advised, it's a great idea to walk while you're on the phone. You stay active and also don't disturb your colleagues or family with your phone chatter.

Step out of the house at least once a day

If you're a home maker or work from home, you'll find that the whole day can go by without a trip outside. Make it a point to step out at least once - maybe for a walk in the park, a shopping jaunt or a quick coffee.

Use public transport

Some cities in India now have excellent public transport. Taking the metro or the bus is not only good for the environment, but also helps take the pressure off vehicular traffic and keeps you active and calm (you don't have to worry about making that next green light!)

Remind yourself to get more active

Do your own chores, fetch your own water, stretch from time to time, dance while getting ready for work and walk even when you can avoid it. If you make your lifestyle more active, you'll find that you're more energetic and fitter in general.

Source: India Syndicate

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